


iPhone Activator Tool v1.0 With Terminal Latest Download

Under developer , this tool its for mac , you must try with terminal , it seems work some devices under IOS 7.1.2 try please let me know if there is some progress ( NOT RESTORED ) if your iphone is locked only with message or not , but not restored , try it  there is great news upcoming about new updates so keep tuned we will update tool .
iPhone Activator Tool  v1.0 With Terminal  Latest Download
To activate your iPhone follow these easy steps:
1.) Open the program “Terminal” location in HardDrive/Applications/Utilities
2.) Type the following command into the flashing cursor:
cd Desktop/iPhone Tool
3.) Now make sure your iPhone is connected and you quit iTunes
4.) To activate your iPhone type the follwoing command into the flashing cursor:
./tool –activate a.plist
5.) Your iPhone screen should say something about a SIM error which is fine. Just slide the unlock bar over and it should work. Now connect it to your computer and you should be able to configure it through iTunes.
iPhoneActivatorTool 1.0
./tool [ –help || –deactivate || –activate <file.plist> ]
–help Shows this information
–state Prints the current phone activation state
–deactivate Deactivates the phone
–activate <file.plist> Activates the phone using specified plist

iPhone Activator Tool v1.0 With Terminal Latest Download Reviewed by Unlock iCloud on October 29, 2018 Rating: 5
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