


Downgrade your iPhone ipad with SHSH blobs using checkm8

Downgrade your apple devices with shsh2 blobs with FutureRestore easily with checkm8. This script makes downgrades with FutureRestore much easier and quicker, especially for inexperienced users.
How to downgrade your iphone iOS13
Futurerestore is a tool to Downgrade/Upgrade/Re-restore some mobile firmware version. Whenever you read “downgrade” nowadays it means you can also upgrade and re-restore if you’re on the same firmware version. Basically this allows restoring a firmware version and the installed firmware version doesn’t matter.
FutureRestore Script how to use. How to downgrade your iPhones with SHSH blobs using checkm8
You can downgrade, if the destination firmware version is compatible with the latest signed SEP and baseband and if you have a signing tickets files with a generator for that firmware version.
The new tool of futurerestore sets the nonce automatically when restoring either blobs.
It is possible Downgrade your iphone iOS13.3 to iOS13.2.3 ?
The Sep and BaseBand of iOS 13.3 is not compatible with 13.2.3 but you can restore, you will going to lose faceid but at least you can bypass icloud.
You can also try – iOS 13.3 SEP is compatible with 13.0 beta 1. That means it’s most likely compatible with any 13.0
Download Script to downgrade
You will need: download files, use Mac to run the script, download iOS13.2.3 IPSW and device shsh blobs.


  1. Download your noapnonce shsh2 blob from tsssaver and put it in the folder you downloaded and name it blob.shsh2
  2. Download your iPSW and put it in the folder. Renanme the iPSW to restore.ipsw
  3. cd into the folder and then run chmod +x restore.sh
  4. Run ./restore.sh and follow the directions

Downgrade your iPhone ipad with SHSH blobs using checkm8 Reviewed by Unlock iCloud on January 30, 2020 Rating: 5
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