Delete icloud iPhone XR XS (A12 Devices) iOS 12.4 Update Version
After about a month of waiting, an A12 jailbreak for iPhone XS and XR is now available in the form of unc0ver jailbreak tool. The iOS 12.4 jailbreak does not include support for iOS 13, but works on iOS 12.4 , or iOS 12.3.x. iOS 12 – iOS 12.2. iPad Pro are also included.
First, let me explain this method to remove icloud is only for activated devices. Yes activated. You need jailbreak first to delete some files that will lead you to complete remove icloud on your iphone XS. Be careful this will not remove icloud from apple servers. It is local device only. Do not restore or update the new iOS, will ask you for icloud credentials if restored.
Delete icloud iPhone XR XS XR MAX (A12 Devices) iOS 12.4
This technic is similar to the last icloud remover using filza app. You will need jailbreak first and install Filza using Cydia. Filza is a free app designed to give you file-level root access to your device without having to use external software. Lets you add new files and delete the existing ones. This means you can also install new apps using Filza app.
After jailbreak and hoping all precess was easy, The second step is opening the Cydia App. Cydia is automatically installed by the Unc0ver jailbreak tool. Open Cydia and search for Filza.
- Download Filza from Cydia or install directly to your device using this Shortcut > Download Filza Shortcut
- Download FIlza for A12 devices ( iphone XR, XS Plus)
- delete files from two folders ( follow the video tutorial )
- go: var / mobile / library / open folder accounts (delete all inside)
- and the other is userconfigurationprofiles ( delete all inside )
- restart ( all done )
- If you having trouble signing with new iCloud ID just restore your device with this Customized iTunes Backup connect your device to iTunes or 3utools and Download this backup, restore this backup all will be fine. Enjoy
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Delete icloud iPhone XR XS (A12 Devices) iOS 12.4 Update Version
Reviewed by Unlock iCloud
February 21, 2020