


How to Bypass iCloud lock iOS 10.3/10.2/10.1/10 via DNS Change

Apart from using an external program, you can use a foreign DNS server to bypass the iCloud Activation Lock. The following are the steps on how to bypass the iCloud activation lock feature using the DNS server.
1: On your iPhone, go to “Settings” and under this tab, select "WIFI".
2: Tap on the information icon that looks like a small letter i to open the DNS server.
How to Bypass iCloud Activation Lock iOS 10
3: Depending on your location, enter the following DNS values.
  • For the USA and Europe users, enter and respectively.
  • If you are located in Asia or the rest of the world, key in and respectively.
unlock iCloud Lock iOS 10.3/10.2/10.1/10
4: Tap on the back arrow (←) and complete the action by tapping on the “Done” option.
5: Under the “Activate iPhone” option, tap on the “Activation Help” option.
unlock iCloud Lock iOS 10.3/10.2/10.1/10
You will get the following onscreen notification “You have successfully connected to my server”.
There you have it. You can now access iCloud locked features such as games, videos, maps, mail, chats and social media accounts.

How to Bypass iCloud lock iOS 10.3/10.2/10.1/10 via DNS Change Reviewed by Unlock iCloud on September 20, 2017 Rating: 5
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